Tuesday, January 27, 2009

To be or not to be, that is the question. Wheather tis nobler to suffer or take up arms against the foe.

I think Hamlet does think about suicide, but during his conversation with himself he decides that thats not what he wants. He has his moments of insanity, and that was one thought. He thinks about the line between the two, life and death, and decides it is very thin. That the very essence is life.
I once heard a man ask,"What is the difference between this life and the next?" I couldn't answer. He then replied, "One breath."
Hamlet really grasped this concept.


  1. yes i agree with you and so does aaron
    he had many things to do and didnt want to be dead

    DA CT AC

  2. okay i think that it is a great argument and as caleb said i agree

    CT AC DA

  3. i feel that is true on that last sentence


  4. I think that was a good agrument and a very good way of saying it. good job.
